Bot Commands

Total Commands: 31


Command Description
/setbotsettings Update bot settings for the server


Command Description
/magic8ball Ask the Magic 8 Ball a question.
/trivia Get a random trivia question.


Command Description
/addstreamer Add a streamer to the watch list.
/botinfo Displays information about the bot.
/changelogs View the latest bot changelogs
/listemojis Lists all server emojis and their IDs.
/help Displays a list of all available commands.
/ping Replies with the bot and API latency.
/serverinfo Displays information about the server.
/steamstats Get Steam game stats for a user.
/userinfo Displays information about a user.


Command Description
/cat Shows a random cat image.
/dog Shows a random dog image.


Command Description
/ban Bans a member from the server.
/clear Deletes a specified number of messages from a channel.
/kick Kicks a member from the server.
/removewarn Removes a specific warning from a user.
/role Add or remove a role from a user.
/warn Issues a warning to a user.
/warnings Displays all warnings for a user.


Command Description
/leave Leaves the voice channel
/musicsearch Get information about a song.
/radio Select a radio station to play based on your country


Command Description
/closeticket Close the ticket
/createticket Create a support ticket
/createticketpanel Creates a ticket panel for users to submit tickets
/setupticket Sets up the server with necessary roles and channels for the ticket system


Command Description
/setautorole Set the auto role for new members joining the server.
/setreactionroles Set reaction roles for a specific channel.
/toggletrivia Toggle the display of your trivia points in the user info command and on the website.